October 31, 2021

Grow facial hair and save lives? Talk about the ultimate WIN-WIN!

Even as we talk up how awesome it is to be an unstoppable bearded legend, we know that some of our fellow bros out there are struggling with cancer or their mental health. 

Here at The Rugged Bros, we believe we must all stand strong alongside our brothers fighting heroically against terrible illnesses that sometimes get overlooked or overshadowed.

Enter two amazing causes: Movember and No Shave November. Both are united in their cause to promote awareness and research for vital health issues.

The best part is that YOU can be a helpful hero while having a ton of fun. All you have to do is register with an organization, let your facial hair grow, and have people donate to the cause as they watch your progress.

Here’s the deal with the meaning of Movember and No Shave November. Because both are pure rugged awesomeness that we stand proudly alongside.

Aren’t they the same thing? 

At first glance, you’d think so. But no. 

Founded officially in Australia in 2004, Movember is all about the mo – the mustache. Originally it was about raising awareness and money for testicular and prostate cancer, but it has since expanded to include men’s mental health and suicide. It’s stated goal is to “change the face of men’s health.” Although 2004 was when the organization Movember began, the idea was born in 1999 when a few Aussie mates in the pub decided to grow mustaches for charity. It grew quickly into a phenomenon and is now rapidly approaching the mark of $1 billion raised over the years.

Founded in 2009, No Shave November has similar goals but goes beyond the “mo” while keeping its focus on cancer support. Because cancer patients frequently lose their hair, NSN is about any hair you can grow in November or any grooming you can sacrifice. So it’s a chance to really let it all hang out. It’s pretty simple… just put the razor and grooming products away for 30 days. If workplace standards are an issue, you can trim your beard, but not shave. While it’s mostly aimed at men, women can participate by not shaving their legs and forgoing salon visits. Money raised goes towards cancer support, research and awareness. In 2013, No Shave November partnered officially with the American Cancer Society.

Global goodness 


By participating in Movember or No Shave November, you join an incredible and energetic worldwide movement. You will literally feel the encouragement and enthusiasm as you see your fellow bros letting things run wild for a great cause.

Thousands upon thousands of people are diagnosed every year with cancers, many of which don’t always get as much attention as the “big names”. What could be better than joining a community of “creative cultivation” for cancer?

Movember even has websites for a variety of countries so you can operate in your own currency.

How to participate in Movember

First, you gotta start with a clean slate… er… face.

Sign up, post photos and videos of your mo’s progress, and post the link for all your contacts to see so they can donate. Through the month, show people how it’s progressing and what you’re doing. Make it fun so they’ll be inclined to support you. 

You can even create a team – family, friends, workmates, sporting pals, you name it.

Let your mustache develop. Be patient with it because the second half of the month is when the most amazing action happens. And get creative with your choice of style!

On top of growing a mo, you can create a Move Challenge, where you set goals for physical activity through November or to start learning a new sport. 

You can also host events – parties, picnics, golf, football in the park, whatever you like.

How to participate in No Shave November 

Things operate a little differently, but with equally amazing results.

You can begin with either a clean-shaven face or you can let your existing hair grow.

Post your link to your contacts that, for November, you intend to grow your facial hair and give up on some grooming practices so you can donate your normal monthly grooming costs to NSN. 

Invite others to join you as a team, donating their grooming expenses for a month. They can donate anything, ranging from a few bucks to the costs of barbershop appointments. Or more.

Keep posting your progress with your link so others can see and donate through you.

Organizing donors

You don’t even need to have all your donors lined up before you begin. Just get started and they will join as they see your progress. Many people donate towards the end of November as they see your wild wooliness flourishing.

What if you can’t grow hair? 

After all, some bros do struggle to grow facial hair. Other bros are bald and can’t grow hair on their heads. And others still are unable to let things loose for an entire month because of their work.

But don’t despair! You can still support the hairiness! In this case, sit back and donate to a bro who is raising money.

Get the ladies involved

Yes, you read that right. The ladies. Wives, girlfriends and sisters can totally join the fun. And they don’t need to grow facial hair.

For starters, they can start their own team at No Shave November and let their leg hairs grow. They can avoid the salons throughout November, donate the money they would have spent, and encourage their friends to do the same.

When it comes to Movember, while the ladies can’t grow mustaches, they are vital influencers for spreading the word about the mo-men in their lives and encouraging donations. After all, if they’re seen loving the new hairiness, others are more likely to join in the fun.

The start of something great

There’s a chance December 1st may not be the end of your journey with No Shave November and Movember, meaning your facial hair may have grown on you in more ways than one. 

Aside from feeling great about saving a bro and fighting major health problems, you might like the new you and want to continue exploring your rugged look. Others may have even grown more attached to it than you. 

If you do decide to keep your mo and/or beard, we applaud and salute you. Just please, once December comes… remember to groom it!

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